Back to her old self :)

Charlie is doing so much better!  She’s off all the meds and back to her old self.  It’s rare that she falls over…she runs around like crazy!  Today she yelped a bit when I tried to pull her back from going outside, so I think she still has some pain, but nothing like before.  I’m so happy she’s doing well and I just thought I should put a little update on here for all the people who might be interested in how she is doing.

She’s enjoying the outdoors and we will be going on another camping trip this sunday, so hopefully she does well with that.

3 thoughts on “Back to her old self :)”

  1. Good update Charlie! Now don’t overdo it just because you’re starting to get your sparkle back!

    Ahhhhh Charlie, your mom needs a little help with the camera! Your incision looks great, but we want to see your cute mug!!

    Really glad you’re starting to see her jyful self return! Applause to all!

    Roast some marshmellows for is!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

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